Source code for pyexcel.utils


    Utility functions for pyexcel

    :copyright: (c) 2014-2015 by Onni Software Ltd.
    :license: New BSD License, see LICENSE for more details
from .sheets import NominableSheet, Sheet
from ._compact import OrderedDict, PY2
from .constants import MESSAGE_DATA_ERROR_NO_SERIES
import datetime


def local_uuid():
    global LOCAL_UUID
    return LOCAL_UUID

def to_array(o):
    """convert a reader iterator to an array"""
    array = []
    for i in o:
    return array

def to_dict(o):
    """convert a reader iterator to a dictionary"""
    the_dict = OrderedDict()
    series = "Series_%d"
    count = 1
    for c in o:
        if type(c) == dict:
        elif isinstance(c, Sheet):
            the_dict.update({ c.to_array()})
            key = series % count
            the_dict.update({key: c})
            count += 1
    return the_dict

def to_records(reader, custom_headers=None):
    Make an array of dictionaries

    It takes the first row as keys and the rest of
    the rows as values. Then zips keys and row values
    per each row. This is particularly helpful for
    database operations.
    ret = []
    if isinstance(reader, NominableSheet) is False:
        raise NotImplementedError
    if len(reader.rownames) > 0:
        if custom_headers:
            headers = custom_headers
            headers = reader.rownames
        for column in reader.columns():
            the_dict = dict(zip(headers, column))
    elif len(reader.colnames) > 0:
        if custom_headers:
            headers = custom_headers
            headers = reader.colnames
        for row in reader.rows():
            the_dict = dict(zip(headers, row))
        raise ValueError(MESSAGE_DATA_ERROR_NO_SERIES)
    return ret

[docs]def from_records(records): """Reverse function of to_records """ if len(records) < 1: return None keys = sorted(records[0].keys()) data = [] data.append(list(keys)) for r in records: row = [] for k in keys: row.append(r[k]) data.append(row) return data
def to_one_dimensional_array(iterator): """convert a reader to one dimensional array""" array = [] for i in iterator: if type(i) == list: array += i else: array.append(i) return array
[docs]def dict_to_array(the_dict, with_keys=True): """Convert a dictionary of columns to an array The example dict is:: { "Column 1": [1, 2, 3], "Column 2": [5, 6, 7, 8], "Column 3": [9, 10, 11, 12, 13], } The output will be:: [ ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"], [1, 5, 9], [2, 6, 10], [3, 7, 11], ['', 8, 12], ['', '', 13] ] :param dict the_dict: the dictionary to be converted. :param bool with_keys: to write the keys as the first row or not """ content = [] keys = the_dict.keys() if not PY2: keys = list(keys) if not isinstance(the_dict, OrderedDict): keys = sorted(keys) if with_keys: content.append(keys) max_length = -1 for k in keys: column_length = len(the_dict[k]) if max_length == -1: max_length = column_length elif max_length < column_length: max_length = column_length for i in range(0, max_length): row_data = [] for k in keys: if i < len(the_dict[k]): row_data.append(the_dict[k][i]) else: row_data.append('') content.append(row_data) return content
def from_query_sets(column_names, query_sets): array = [] array.append(column_names) for o in query_sets: new_array = [] for column in column_names: value = getattr(o, column) if isinstance(value, (, datetime.time)): value = value.isoformat() new_array.append(value) array.append(new_array) return array