Source code for pyexcel.cookbook


    Cookbook for pyexcel

    :copyright: (c) 2014-2015 by Onni Software Ltd.
    :license: New BSD License, see LICENSE for more details
import os
from .book import Book
from .sources import get_book, get_sheet
from .utils import to_dict, to_array
from .writers import Writer, BookWriter
from ._compact import OrderedDict
from .constants import MESSAGE_WARNING

DEFAULT_OUT_FILE = 'pyexcel_merged.csv'
DEFAULT_OUT_XLS_FILE = 'merged.xls'
OUT_FILE_FORMATTER = 'pyexcel_%s'

def update_columns(infilename, column_dicts, outfilename=None):
    """Update one or more columns of a data file with series

    The data structure of column_dicts should be:
    key should be first row of the column
    the rest of the value should an array
    :param str infilename: an accessible file name
    :param dict column_dicts: dictionaries of columns
    :param str outfilename: save the sheet as

    default_out_file = OUT_FILE_FORMATTER % infilename
    if outfilename:
        default_out_file = outfilename
    if os.path.exists(default_out_file):
        raise NotImplementedError(MESSAGE_WARNING)
    r = get_sheet(file_name=infilename, name_columns_by_row=0)
    series = r.colnames
    for k in column_dicts.keys():
        index = series.index(str(k))
        r.set_column_at(index, column_dicts[k])
    w = Writer(default_out_file)

def update_rows(infilename, row_dicts, outfilename=None):
    """Update one or more rows of a data file with series

    datastucture: key should an integer of the row to be updated
    value should be an array of the data
    :param str infilename: an accessible file name
    :param dict row_dicts: dictionaries of rows
    :param str outfilename: save the sheet as
    default_out_file = OUT_FILE_FORMATTER % infilename
    if outfilename:
        default_out_file = outfilename
    if os.path.exists(default_out_file):
        raise NotImplementedError(MESSAGE_WARNING)
    r = get_sheet(file_name=infilename, name_rows_by_column=0)
    series = r.rownames
    for k in row_dicts.keys():
        index = series.index(str(k))
        r.set_row_at(index, row_dicts[k])

def merge_files(file_array, outfilename=DEFAULT_OUT_FILE):
    """merge many files horizontally column after column
    :param str outfilename: save the sheet as
    if os.path.exists(outfilename):
        raise NotImplementedError(MESSAGE_WARNING)
    content = []
    for f in file_array:
        r = get_sheet(file_name=f)
    w = Writer(outfilename)
    return outfilename

def merge_two_files(file1, file2, outfilename=DEFAULT_OUT_FILE):
    """merge two files
    :param str file1: an accessible file name
    :param str file2: an accessible file name
    :param str outfilename: save the sheet as
    if os.path.exists(outfilename):
        raise NotImplementedError(MESSAGE_WARNING)
    files = [file1, file2]
    merge_files(files, outfilename)

def merge_readers(reader_array, outfilename=DEFAULT_OUT_FILE):
    """merge many readers

    With FilterableReader and SeriesReader, you can do custom filtering
    :param str outfilename: save the sheet as
    if os.path.exists(outfilename):
        raise NotImplementedError(MESSAGE_WARNING)
    content = OrderedDict()
    for r in reader_array:
    w = Writer(outfilename)

def merge_two_readers(reader1, reader2, outfilename=DEFAULT_OUT_FILE):
    """merge two readers

    :param str outfilename: save the sheet as

    if os.path.exists(outfilename):
        raise NotImplementedError(MESSAGE_WARNING)
    reader_array = [reader1, reader2]
    merge_readers(reader_array, outfilename)

[docs]def merge_csv_to_a_book(filelist, outfilename=DEFAULT_OUT_XLS_FILE): """merge a list of csv files into a excel book :param list filelist: a list of accessible file path :param str outfilename: save the sheet as """ w = BookWriter(outfilename) for file in filelist: r = get_sheet(file_name=file) head, tail = os.path.split(file) sheet = w.create_sheet(tail) sheet.write_reader(r) sheet.close() w.close()
[docs]def merge_all_to_a_book(filelist, outfilename=DEFAULT_OUT_XLS_FILE): """merge a list of excel files into a excel book :param list filelist: a list of accessible file path :param str outfilename: save the sheet as """ merged = Book() for file in filelist: merged += get_book(file_name=file) w = BookWriter(outfilename) w.write_book_reader(merged) w.close()
[docs]def split_a_book(file, outfilename=None): """Split a file into separate sheets :param str file: an accessible file name :param str outfilename: save the sheets with file suffix """ r = get_book(file_name=file) if outfilename: saveas = outfilename else: saveas = file for sheet in r: w = Writer("%s_%s" % (, saveas)) w.write_reader(sheet) w.close()
[docs]def extract_a_sheet_from_a_book(file, sheetname, outfilename=None): """Extract a sheet from a excel book :param str file: an accessible file :param str sheetname: a valid sheet name :param str outfilename: save the sheet as """ r = get_book(file_name=file) if outfilename: saveas = outfilename else: saveas = file sheet = r[sheetname] w = Writer("%s_%s" % (sheetname, saveas)) w.write_reader(sheet) w.close()