Source code for pyexcel.sheets.sheet


    Representation of data sheets

    :copyright: (c) 2014-2015 by Onni Software Ltd.
    :license: New BSD License, see LICENSE for more details
from pyexcel_io.sheet import NamedContent
from .nominablesheet import NominableSheet

class SheetStream(NamedContent):
    A container to hold generator as sheet content
    def __init__(self, name, payload):
        NamedContent.__init__(self, name, payload)
        self.colnames = []

    def save_to(self, source):
        """Save to a writeable data source"""

    def to_array(self):
        Simply return the generator
        return self.payload

[docs]class Sheet(NominableSheet): """Two dimensional data container for filtering, formatting and iteration :class:`Sheet` is a container for a two dimensional array, where individual cell can be any Python types. Other than numbers, value of thsee types: string, date, time and boolean can be mixed in the array. This differs from Numpy's matrix where each cell are of the same number type. In order to prepare two dimensional data for your computation, formatting functions help convert array cells to required types. Formatting can be applied not only to the whole sheet but also to selected rows or columns. Custom conversion function can be passed to these formatting functions. For example, to remove extra spaces surrounding the content of a cell, a custom function is required. Filtering functions are used to reduce the information contained in the array. """ class _RepresentedString: def __init__(self, text): self.text = text def __repr__(self): return self.text def __str__(self): return self.text @classmethod def register_presentation(cls, file_type): setattr(cls, file_type, property(presenter(file_type))) setattr(cls, 'get_%s' % file_type, presenter(file_type)) def __repr__(self): return self.texttable def __str__(self): return self.texttable @property def content(self): content = self.get_texttable(write_title=False) return self._RepresentedString(content)
[docs] def save_to(self, source): """Save to a writeable data source""" source.write_data(self)
[docs] def save_as(self, filename, **keywords): """Save the content to a named file Heywords may vary depending on your file type, because the associated file type employs different library. for csv, `fmtparams < library/csv.html#dialects-and-formatting-parameters>`_ are accepted for xls, 'auto_detect_int', 'encoding' and 'style_compression' are supported for ods, 'auto_dtect_int' is supported """ from ..factory import SourceFactory out_source = SourceFactory.get_writeable_source( file_name=filename, **keywords) return self.save_to(out_source)
[docs] def save_to_memory(self, file_type, stream=None, **keywords): """Save the content to memory :param str file_type: any value of 'csv', 'tsv', 'csvz', 'tsvz', 'xls', 'xlsm', 'xslm', 'ods' :param iostream stream: the memory stream to be written to. Note in Python 3, for csv and tsv format, please pass an instance of StringIO. For xls, xlsx, and ods, an instance of BytesIO. """ from ..factory import SourceFactory out_source = SourceFactory.get_writeable_source( file_type=file_type, file_stream=stream, **keywords) self.save_to(out_source) return out_source.content
def save_to_django_model(self, model, initializer=None, mapdict=None, batch_size=None): """Save to database table through django model :param model: a database model :param initializer: a intialization functions for your model :param mapdict: custom map dictionary for your data columns :param batch_size: a parameter to Django concerning the size of data base set """ from ..factory import SourceFactory source = SourceFactory.get_writeable_source( model=model, initializer=initializer, mapdict=mapdict, batch_size=batch_size) self.save_to(source)
[docs] def save_to_database(self, session, table, initializer=None, mapdict=None, auto_commit=True): """Save data in sheet to database table :param session: database session :param table: a database table :param initializer: a intialization functions for your table :param mapdict: custom map dictionary for your data columns :param auto_commit: by default, data is committed. """ from ..factory import SourceFactory source = SourceFactory.get_writeable_source( session=session, table=table, initializer=initializer, mapdict=mapdict, auto_commit=auto_commit ) self.save_to(source)
def presenter(file_type=None): def custom_presenter(self, **keywords): from ..factory import SourceFactory memory_source = SourceFactory.get_writeable_source(file_type=file_type, **keywords) self.save_to(memory_source) return memory_source.content.getvalue() return custom_presenter