Source code for


    Uniform interface for describing a excel book

    :copyright: (c) 2014-2015 by Onni Software Ltd.
    :license: New BSD License, see LICENSE for more details
from .iterators import SheetIterator
from .sheets import Sheet, SheetStream
from .utils import to_dict, local_uuid
from ._compact import OrderedDict

class BookStream(object):
    """Read an excel book that has one or more sheets

    For csv file, there will be just one sheet
    def __init__(self, sheets=None, filename="memory", path=None):
        """Book constructor

        Selecting a specific book according to filename extension
        :param OrderedDict/dict sheets: a dictionary of data
        :param str filename: the physical file
        :param str path: the relative path or abosolute path
        :param set keywords: additional parameters to be passed on
        self.path = path
        self.filename = filename
        self.name_array = []
        if sheets:
            self.sheets = {}

    def load_from_sheets(self, sheets):
        """Load content from existing sheets

        :param dict sheets: a dictionary of sheets. Each sheet is
        a list of lists
        if sheets is None:
        self.sheets = OrderedDict()
        keys = sheets.keys()
        if not isinstance(sheets, OrderedDict):
            # if the end user does not care about the order
            # we put alphatical order
            keys = sorted(keys)
        for name in keys:
            sheet = SheetStream(name, sheets[name])
            # this sheets keep sheet order
            self.sheets.update({name: sheet})
            # this provide the convenience of access the sheet
            self.__dict__[name] = sheet
        self.name_array = list(self.sheets.keys())

    def save_to(self, source):
        """Save to a writeable data source"""

    def to_book(self):
        return Book(self.to_dict(),

    def to_dict(self):
        Get book data structure as a dictionary
        the_dict = OrderedDict()
        for sheet in self:
            the_dict.update({ sheet.payload})
        return the_dict

    def __iter__(self):
        return SheetIterator(self)

    def number_of_sheets(self):
        """Return the number of sheets"""
        return len(self.name_array)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if index < len(self.name_array):
            sheet_name = self.name_array[index]
            return self.sheets[sheet_name]

[docs]class Book(object): """Read an excel book that has one or more sheets For csv file, there will be just one sheet """
[docs] def __init__(self, sheets=None, filename="memory", path=None): """Book constructor Selecting a specific book according to filename extension :param OrderedDict/dict sheets: a dictionary of data :param str filename: the physical file :param str path: the relative path or abosolute path :param set keywords: additional parameters to be passed on """ self.path = path self.filename = filename self.name_array = [] self.load_from_sheets(sheets)
@classmethod def register_presentation(cls, file_type): setattr(cls, file_type, property(presenter(file_type))) setattr(cls, 'get_%s' % file_type, presenter(file_type)) def load_from_sheets(self, sheets): """Load content from existing sheets :param dict sheets: a dictionary of sheets. Each sheet is a list of lists """ self.sheets = OrderedDict() if sheets is None: return keys = sheets.keys() if not isinstance(sheets, OrderedDict): # if the end user does not care about the order # we put alphatical order keys = sorted(keys) for name in keys: sheet = self.get_sheet(sheets[name], name) # this sheets keep sheet order self.sheets.update({name: sheet}) # this provide the convenience of access the sheet self.__dict__[name] = sheet self.name_array = list(self.sheets.keys()) def get_sheet(self, array, name): """Create a sheet from a list of lists""" return Sheet(array, name) def __iter__(self): return SheetIterator(self)
[docs] def number_of_sheets(self): """Return the number of sheets""" return len(self.name_array)
[docs] def sheet_names(self): """Return all sheet names""" return self.name_array
def sheet_by_name(self, name): """Get the sheet with the specified name""" return self.sheets[name] def sheet_by_index(self, index): """Get the sheet with the specified index""" if index < len(self.name_array): sheet_name = self.name_array[index] return self.sheets[sheet_name] def remove_sheet(self, sheet): """Remove a sheet""" if isinstance(sheet, int): if sheet < len(self.name_array): sheet_name = self.name_array[sheet] del self.sheets[sheet_name] self.name_array = list(self.sheets.keys()) else: raise IndexError elif isinstance(sheet, str): if sheet in self.name_array: del self.sheets[sheet] self.name_array = list(self.sheets.keys()) else: raise KeyError else: raise TypeError def __getitem__(self, key): """Override operator[]""" if isinstance(key, int): return self.sheet_by_index(key) else: return self.sheet_by_name(key) def __delitem__(self, other): """Override del book[index]""" self.remove_sheet(other) return self def __add__(self, other): """Override operator + example:: book3 = book1 + book2 book3 = book1 + book2["Sheet 1"] """ content = {} current_dict = to_dict(self) for k in current_dict.keys(): new_key = k if len(current_dict.keys()) == 1: new_key = "%s_%s" % (self.filename, k) content[new_key] = current_dict[k] if isinstance(other, Book): other_dict = to_dict(other) for l in other_dict.keys(): new_key = l if len(other_dict.keys()) == 1: new_key = other.filename if new_key in content: uid = local_uuid() new_key = "%s_%s" % (l, uid) content[new_key] = other_dict[l] elif isinstance(other, Sheet): new_key = if new_key in content: uid = local_uuid() new_key = "%s_%s" % (, uid) content[new_key] = other.to_array() else: raise TypeError output = Book() output.load_from_sheets(content) return output def __iadd__(self, other): """Operator overloading += example:: book += book2 book += book2["Sheet1"] """ if isinstance(other, Book): names = other.sheet_names() for name in names: new_key = name if len(names) == 1: new_key = other.filename if new_key in self.name_array: uid = local_uuid() new_key = "%s_%s" % (name, uid) self.sheets[new_key] = self.get_sheet(other[name].to_array(), new_key) elif isinstance(other, Sheet): new_key = if new_key in self.name_array: uid = local_uuid() new_key = "%s_%s" % (, uid) self.sheets[new_key] = self.get_sheet(other.to_array(), new_key) else: raise TypeError self.name_array = list(self.sheets.keys()) return self
[docs] def save_to(self, source): """Save to a writeable data source""" source.write_data(self)
[docs] def save_as(self, filename): """Save the content to a new file :param str filename: a file path """ from .factory import SourceFactory out_source = SourceFactory.get_writeable_book_source( file_name=filename) self.save_to(out_source)
[docs] def save_to_memory(self, file_type, stream=None, **keywords): """Save the content to a memory stream :param file_type: what format the stream is in :param stream: a memory stream. Note in Python 3, for csv and tsv format, please pass an instance of StringIO. For xls, xlsx, and ods, an instance of BytesIO. """ from .factory import SourceFactory out_source = SourceFactory.get_writeable_book_source( file_type=file_type, file_stream=stream, **keywords) self.save_to(out_source) return out_source.content
def save_to_django_models(self, models, initializers=None, mapdicts=None, batch_size=None): """Save to database table through django model :param models: a list of database models, that is accepted by :meth:`Sheet.save_to_django_model`. The sequence of tables matters when there is dependencies in between the tables. For example, **Car** is made by **Car Maker**. **Car Maker** table should be specified before **Car** table. :param initializers: a list of intialization functions for your tables and the sequence should match tables, :param mapdicts: custom map dictionary for your data columns and the sequence should match tables """ from .factory import SourceFactory out_source = SourceFactory.get_writeable_book_source( models=models, initializers=initializers, mapdicts=mapdicts, batch_size=batch_size ) self.save_to(out_source)
[docs] def save_to_database(self, session, tables, initializers=None, mapdicts=None, auto_commit=True): """Save data in sheets to database tables :param session: database session :param tables: a list of database tables, that is accepted by :meth:`Sheet.save_to_database`. The sequence of tables matters when there is dependencies in between the tables. For example, **Car** is made by **Car Maker**. **Car Maker** table should be specified before **Car** table. :param initializers: a list of intialization functions for your tables and the sequence should match tables, :param mapdicts: custom map dictionary for your data columns and the sequence should match tables :param auto_commit: by default, data is committed. """ from .factory import SourceFactory out_source = SourceFactory.get_writeable_book_source( session=session, tables=tables, initializers=initializers, mapdicts=mapdicts, auto_commit=auto_commit ) self.save_to(out_source)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the book to a dictionary""" from .utils import to_dict return to_dict(self)
def __repr__(self): return self.texttable def __str__(self): return self.texttable
def presenter(file_type=None): def custom_presenter(self, **keywords): from .factory import SourceFactory memory_source = SourceFactory.get_writeable_book_source( file_type=file_type, **keywords) self.save_to(memory_source) return memory_source.content.getvalue() return custom_presenter