Source code for pyexcel.sheets.row

import types
from functools import partial

from . import _shared as utils
import pyexcel._compact as compact
from .formatters import to_format

[docs]class Row: """Represent row of a matrix .. table:: "example.csv" = = = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = = = Above column manipulation can be performed on rows similarly. This section will not repeat the same example but show some advance usages. >>> import pyexcel as pe >>> data = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]] >>> m = pe.sheets.Matrix(data) >>> m.row[0:2] [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] >>> m.row[0:3] = [0, 0, 0] >>> m.row[2] [0, 0, 0] >>> del m.row[0:2] >>> m.row[0] [0, 0, 0] """
[docs] def __init__(self, matrix): self.__ref = matrix
def select(self, indices): """Delete row indices other than specified Examples: >>> import pyexcel as pe >>> data = [[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[9]] >>> sheet = pe.Sheet(data) >>> sheet pyexcel sheet: +---+ | 1 | +---+ | 2 | +---+ | 3 | +---+ | 4 | +---+ | 5 | +---+ | 6 | +---+ | 7 | +---+ | 9 | +---+ >>>[1,2,3,5]) >>> sheet pyexcel sheet: +---+ | 2 | +---+ | 3 | +---+ | 4 | +---+ | 6 | +---+ """ to_remove = [] for index in self.__ref.row_range(): if index not in indices: to_remove.append(index) self.__ref.filter(row_indices=to_remove) def __delitem__(self, locator): """Override the operator to delete items Examples: >>> import pyexcel as pe >>> data = [[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[9]] >>> sheet = pe.Sheet(data) >>> sheet pyexcel sheet: +---+ | 1 | +---+ | 2 | +---+ | 3 | +---+ | 4 | +---+ | 5 | +---+ | 6 | +---+ | 7 | +---+ | 9 | +---+ >>> del sheet.row[1,2,3,5] >>> sheet pyexcel sheet: +---+ | 1 | +---+ | 5 | +---+ | 7 | +---+ | 9 | +---+ """ if compact.is_string(type(locator)): self.__ref.delete_named_row_at(locator) elif compact.is_tuple_consists_of_strings(locator): indices = utils.names_to_indices(list(locator), self.__ref.rownames) self.__ref.delete_rows(indices) elif isinstance(locator, slice): my_range = utils.analyse_slice(locator, self.__ref.number_of_rows()) self.__ref.delete_rows(my_range) elif isinstance(locator, tuple): self.__ref.filter(row_indices=(list(locator))) elif isinstance(locator, list): self.__ref.filter(row_indices=locator) elif isinstance(locator, types.LambdaType): self._delete_rows_by_content(locator) elif isinstance(locator, types.FunctionType): self._delete_rows_by_content(locator) else: self.__ref.delete_rows([locator]) def _delete_rows_by_content(self, locator): to_remove = [] for index, row in enumerate(self.__ref.rows()): if locator(index, row): to_remove.append(index) if len(to_remove) > 0: self.__ref.delete_rows(to_remove) def __setitem__(self, aslice, c): """Override the operator to set items""" if compact.is_string(type(aslice)): self.__ref.set_named_row_at(aslice, c) elif isinstance(aslice, slice): my_range = utils.analyse_slice(aslice, self.__ref.number_of_rows()) for i in my_range: self.__ref.set_row_at(i, c) else: self.__ref.set_row_at(aslice, c) def __getitem__(self, aslice): """By default, this class recognize from top to bottom from left to right""" index = aslice if compact.is_string(type(aslice)): return self.__ref.named_row_at(aslice) elif isinstance(aslice, slice): my_range = utils.analyse_slice(aslice, self.__ref.number_of_rows()) results = [] for i in my_range: results.append(self.__ref.row_at(i)) return results if index in self.__ref.row_range(): return self.__ref.row_at(index) else: raise IndexError def __iadd__(self, other): """Overload += sign :return: self """ if isinstance(other, compact.OrderedDict): self.__ref.extend_rows(other) elif isinstance(other, list): self.__ref.extend_rows(other) elif hasattr(other, 'get_internal_array'): self.__ref.extend_rows(other.get_internal_array()) else: raise TypeError return self def __add__(self, other): """Overload += sign :return: self """ self.__iadd__(other) return self.__ref def format(self, row_index=None, formatter=None, format_specs=None): """Format a row """ def handle_one_formatter(rows, theformatter): new_indices = rows if len(self.__ref.rownames) > 0: new_indices = utils.names_to_indices(rows, self.__ref.rownames) converter = None if isinstance(theformatter, types.FunctionType): converter = theformatter else: converter = partial(to_format, theformatter) if isinstance(new_indices, list): for rindex in self.__ref.row_range(): if rindex in new_indices: for column in self.__ref.column_range(): value = self.__ref.cell_value(rindex, column) value = converter(value) self.__ref.cell_value(rindex, column, value) else: for column in self.__ref.column_range(): value = self.__ref.cell_value(new_indices, column) value = converter(value) self.__ref.cell_value(new_indices, column, value) if row_index is not None: handle_one_formatter(row_index, formatter) elif format_specs: for spec in format_specs: handle_one_formatter(spec[0], spec[1])