Source code for


    Excel book

    :copyright: (c) 2014-2017 by Onni Software Ltd.
    :license: New BSD License, see LICENSE for more details
import sys
from pyexcel.sheets import Sheet
import pyexcel._compact as compact
from pyexcel.sources import BookMeta, save_book, StreamAttribute


[docs]class Book(compact.with_metaclass(BookMeta, object)): """ Read an excel book that has one or more sheets For csv file, there will be just one sheet """
[docs] def __init__(self, sheets=None, filename="memory", path=None): """ Book constructor Selecting a specific book according to filename extension :param sheets: a dictionary of data :param filename: the physical file :param path: the relative path or absolute path :param keywords: additional parameters to be passed on """ self.init(sheets=sheets, filename=filename, path=path)
def init(self, sheets=None, filename="memory", path=None): self.__path = path self._filename = filename self.__name_array = [] self.load_from_sheets(sheets) @property def stream(self): """Return a stream in which the book content is properly encoded Example:: >>> import pyexcel as p >>> b = p.get_book(bookdict={"A": [[1]]}) >>> csv_stream = >>> print(csv_stream.getvalue()) A: +---+ | 1 | +---+ Where is equivalent to b.xls. In some situation is prefered than b.xls. It is similar to :meth:`~pyexcel.Book.save_to_memory`. """ return StreamAttribute(self) def load_from_sheets(self, sheets): """ Load content from existing sheets :param dict sheets: a dictionary of sheets. Each sheet is a list of lists """ self.__sheets = compact.OrderedDict() if sheets is None: return keys = sheets.keys() if not isinstance(sheets, compact.OrderedDict): # if the end user does not care about the order # we put alphatical order keys = sorted(keys) for name in keys: sheet = Sheet(sheets[name], name) # this sheets keep sheet order self.__sheets.update({name: sheet}) # this provide the convenience of access the sheet self.__dict__[name] = sheet self.__name_array = list(self.__sheets.keys()) def __iter__(self): return compact.SheetIterator(self)
[docs] def number_of_sheets(self): """ Return the number of sheets """ return len(self.__name_array)
[docs] def sheet_names(self): """ Return all sheet names """ return self.__name_array
def sheet_by_name(self, name): """ Get the sheet with the specified name """ return self.__sheets[name] def sheet_by_index(self, index): """ Get the sheet with the specified index """ if index < len(self.__name_array): sheet_name = self.__name_array[index] return self.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) def remove_sheet(self, sheet): """ Remove a sheet """ if isinstance(sheet, int): if sheet < len(self.__name_array): sheet_name = self.__name_array[sheet] del self.__sheets[sheet_name] self.__name_array = list(self.__sheets.keys()) else: raise IndexError elif isinstance(sheet, str): if sheet in self.__name_array: del self.__sheets[sheet] self.__name_array = list(self.__sheets.keys()) else: raise KeyError else: raise TypeError def __getitem__(self, key): """Override operator[]""" if isinstance(key, int): return self.sheet_by_index(key) else: return self.sheet_by_name(key) def __delitem__(self, other): """ Override del book[index] """ self.remove_sheet(other) return self def __add__(self, other): """ Override operator + example:: book3 = book1 + book2 book3 = book1 + book2["Sheet 1"] """ content = {} current_dict = self.to_dict() for k in current_dict.keys(): new_key = k if len(current_dict.keys()) == 1: new_key = "%s_%s" % (self._filename, k) content[new_key] = current_dict[k] if isinstance(other, Book): other_dict = other.to_dict() for l in other_dict.keys(): new_key = l if len(other_dict.keys()) == 1: new_key = other._filename if new_key in content: uid = local_uuid() new_key = "%s_%s" % (l, uid) content[new_key] = other_dict[l] elif isinstance(other, Sheet): new_key = if new_key in content: uid = local_uuid() new_key = "%s_%s" % (, uid) content[new_key] = other.array else: raise TypeError output = Book() output.load_from_sheets(content) return output def __iadd__(self, other): """ Operator overloading += example:: book += book2 book += book2["Sheet1"] """ if isinstance(other, Book): names = other.sheet_names() for name in names: new_key = name if len(names) == 1: new_key = other._filename if new_key in self.__name_array: uid = local_uuid() new_key = "%s_%s" % (name, uid) self.__sheets[new_key] = Sheet(other[name].array, new_key) elif isinstance(other, Sheet): new_key = if new_key in self.__name_array: uid = local_uuid() new_key = "%s_%s" % (, uid) self.__sheets[new_key] = Sheet(other.array, new_key) else: raise TypeError self.__name_array = list(self.__sheets.keys()) return self def to_dict(self): """Convert the book to a dictionary""" the_dict = compact.OrderedDict() for sheet in self: the_dict.update({ sheet.array}) return the_dict def __repr__(self): if compact.PY2: default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() if default_encoding == "ascii": result = self.texttable return result.encode('utf-8') return self.texttable def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
[docs] def save_as(self, filename): """ Save the content to a new file :param filename: a file path """ return save_book(self, file_name=filename)
[docs] def save_to_memory(self, file_type, stream=None, **keywords): """ Save the content to a memory stream :param file_type: what format the stream is in :param stream: a memory stream. Note in Python 3, for csv and tsv format, please pass an instance of StringIO. For xls, xlsx, and ods, an instance of BytesIO. """ stream = save_book(self, file_type=file_type, file_stream=stream, **keywords) return stream
def save_to_django_models(self, models, initializers=None, mapdicts=None, batch_size=None): """ Save to database table through django model :param models: a list of database models, that is accepted by :meth:`Sheet.save_to_django_model`. The sequence of tables matters when there is dependencies in between the tables. For example, **Car** is made by **Car Maker**. **Car Maker** table should be specified before **Car** table. :param initializers: a list of intialization functions for your tables and the sequence should match tables, :param mapdicts: custom map dictionary for your data columns and the sequence should match tables """ save_book(self, models=models, initializers=initializers, mapdicts=mapdicts, batch_size=batch_size)
[docs] def save_to_database(self, session, tables, initializers=None, mapdicts=None, auto_commit=True): """ Save data in sheets to database tables :param session: database session :param tables: a list of database tables, that is accepted by :meth:`Sheet.save_to_database`. The sequence of tables matters when there is dependencies in between the tables. For example, **Car** is made by **Car Maker**. **Car Maker** table should be specified before **Car** table. :param initializers: a list of intialization functions for your tables and the sequence should match tables, :param mapdicts: custom map dictionary for your data columns and the sequence should match tables :param auto_commit: by default, data is committed. """ save_book(self, session=session, tables=tables, initializers=initializers, mapdicts=mapdicts, auto_commit=auto_commit)
def to_book(bookstream): return Book(bookstream.to_dict(), filename=bookstream.filename, path=bookstream.path) def local_uuid(): global LOCAL_UUID LOCAL_UUID = LOCAL_UUID + 1 return LOCAL_UUID