Source code for pyexcel.utils


    Utility functions for pyexcel

    :copyright: (c) 2014 by C. W.
    :license: GPL v3

[docs]def to_array(iterator): """convert a reader iterator to an array""" array = [] for i in iterator: array.append(i) return array
[docs]def to_dict(iterator): """convert a reader iterator to a dictionary""" the_dict = {} series = "Series_%d" count = 1 for c in iterator: if type(c) == dict: the_dict.update(c) else: key = series % count the_dict.update({key: c}) count += 1 return the_dict
[docs]def to_one_dimensional_array(iterator): """convert a reader to one dimensional array""" array = [] for i in iterator: if type(i) == list: array += i else: array.append(i) return array