Source code for pyexcel.cookbook


    Cookbook for pyexcel

    :copyright: (c) 2014 by C. W.
    :license: GPL v3
import os
from readers import StaticSeriesReader
from utils import to_dict
from writers import Writer

__WARNING_TEXT__ = "We do not overwrite files"

[docs]def update_columns(infilename, column_dicts, outfilename=None): """Update one or more columns of a data file with series""" default_out_file = "pyexcel_%s" % infilename if outfilename: default_out_file = outfilename if os.path.exists(default_out_file): raise NotImplementedError(__WARNING_TEXT__) r = StaticSeriesReader(infilename) keys = column_dicts.keys() data = to_dict(r) for k in keys: if k in data: data[k] = column_dicts[k] else: print "Unkown column name: %s" % k w = Writer(default_out_file) w.write_dict(data) w.close()
[docs]def merge_files(file_array, outfilename="pyexcel_merged.csv"): """merge many files""" if os.path.exists(outfilename): raise NotImplementedError(__WARNING_TEXT__) content = {} for f in file_array: r = StaticSeriesReader(f) content.update(to_dict(r)) w = Writer(outfilename) w.write_dict(content) w.close()
[docs]def merge_two_files(file1, file2, outfilename="pyexcel_merged.csv"): """merge two files""" if os.path.exists(outfilename): raise NotImplementedError(__WARNING_TEXT__) files = [file1, file2] merge_files(files, outfilename)
[docs]def merge_readers(reader_array, outfilename="pyexcel_merged.csv"): """merge many readers With FilterableReader and SeriesReader, you can do custom filtering """ if os.path.exists(outfilename): raise NotImplementedError(__WARNING_TEXT__) content = {} for r in reader_array: content.update(to_dict(r)) w = Writer(outfilename) w.write_dict(content) w.close()
[docs]def merge_two_readers(reader1, reader2, outfilename="pyexcel_merged.csv"): """merge two readers""" if os.path.exists(outfilename): raise NotImplementedError(__WARNING_TEXT__) reader_array = [reader1, reader2] merge_readers(reader_array, outfilename)